Carnelian Flame - Solo Piece #1

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This crystal is a one-off piece and is sold exactly as shown.
6cm wide, 8cm high, 4cm deep, 269g
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Despite what we may sometimes think, we're all good at something. We all have a talent or an ability that we're good at, even when we tell ourselves we suck. It's like the adage from the fantastic film Ratatouille, when Chef Gusteau expresses "anyone can cook". And sure, the latter part of that film also points out that not everyone should cook, but more importantly the message that comes through is "a great cook can come from anywhere". And that's true - a great.... anything, can come from anyone, because we all have talents. We're all born with a flame inside, a light that's inherit, forged in the heat of the womb of our mothers, that yearns to be expressed at some point in our lives. The problem with finding our talents or even getting them to reveal themselves is that we don't always know what they are. Now, entering the scene is the fiery and mysterious character known as Carnelian....

Carnelian has seen a surge in popularity of late (as of writing this mid 2024), though if we're being honest, we're wondering why it took y'all so long to catch on. Brought into The Ornate Oracle store way back in the early days of 2018, Carnelian was one of the very first crystals we catalogued, and fell madly and deeply in love with it. It's still a crystal that I spend more than half my time at suppliers' choosing, as I always want to just take the whole lot.
Physically speaking, Carnelian is a variety of Chalcedony, or sub-variety of Quartz, with rich deposits of iron oxides. They're semi-porous - to an extent - and will often form small pockets of druzy (baby/sugar quartz). They can include or be formed between Agate deposits, and will sometimes display gorgeous banding, or lines running across them. It forms in over a dozen countries around the world, our favourites being the varieties from Madagascar, with their samples often containing other minerals as well, the result being a wild mix of warm fluid colours. Carnelian is also another crystal that has been used throughout the millennia for a variety of reasons. In fact, other than Jasper, Carnelian may take the record as the oldest referenced crystal in recorded human history - from dig-sites of ancient Sumer, to The Book of the Dead in Egypt, to the Bible and the Book of Exodus, to Monasteries in Ancient China.... Carnelian has certainly been around.

So why use Carnelian? To begin with, Carnelian is very strongly linked to your Sacral Chakra, or your Fire Chakra - to the place where all our emotions that deal with passion and creativity are held. The 'fire' that drives us, or our eternal flame as it's sometimes called, is a direct connection to life (which is why it should come as no surprise that it's located right at your belly button). This energy doesn't always play nice though. Sometimes it needs a shove, or a stoking. Carnelian has the ability to push energy specifically from this region, and the important keyword here is flow. Flow of energy, flow of fire, flow of will. Willpower is also important here. Other iron-rich crystals, like Pyrite for example (which we have found to be a very close cousin to Carnelian, energy-wise) can really ignite the will to do something. To light a literal fire under your backside when you're finding it hard to get motivated. Carnelian is much gentler than its cousin however, being more the fire that warms, rather than the fire that burns. It fights energy stagnation, breaks the dam so to speak so that the warm tingle of expression can move more freely around the body.
In turn, Carnelian makes it easier for any deep-welling talents or skills that you have to begin to show themselves. Inspiration comes easier, the drive to get out of your chair and play something, or make something, to express the hidden artist within. And it should be noted here that an 'artist' doesn't mean being restricted to painting, dancing, or acting - an expressive artist can be a chef, a kickboxer, or even a landscaper. Artistry and how you show your passion can really come in any form, but it always comes from deep within. Having said that, you may notice entertainers such as Adele, who can't get on stage to perform without a piece of Carnelian.
On top of moving and unearthing energy and fire within, Carnelian also helps it to stay uplifted and elevated once it's found. It keeps energy always on the move, never stopping, so if you find yourself practicing a skill in the presence of a heckler or doubter, Carnelian will keep you buoyed, staying focused and positive and on-point with the thing you love to do. It has a great 'wax-off' kind of ability, deflecting jealousy, bitterness and resentment that may come from anti-socials with crummy behaviour. Carnelian helps keep haters at arms-length, so you can shine through fear and doubt. Used in group situations or for families as a whole, Carnelian placed somewhere near a front entrance helps pesky neighbours or negative relatives feel like their admonishments are not wanted. For work environments suffering from any toxic personalities that may be keeping it down, keep Carnelian on your desk away from prying hands.
Health wise Carnelian has been used in countless situations to aid the functioning of organs in the lower extremities, particularly the liver and kidneys, and to help increase blood flow in general. In more extreme cases people have sometimes used Carnelian to counter epilepsy. It should also be noted that with its warm circulatory energy Carnelian is also useful for aiding in any reproductive issue, increasing fertility and blood-flow, and is one of the three main crystals I recommend when I have to conduct my famous 'baby whispering' (for any enquiries about this, please feel free to contact me).

Carnelian is your friend. If there is nothing else you take away from this highly descriptive and somewhat indulgent description (no, no, 'passionate' description).... let it be this - Carnelian is here to help you, push you, drive you. When anger, resentment and jealousy from the outside world is holding you back, Carnelian will re-connect you to the love, hope and faith you have deep inside. If you need to stand up or stand out it will be the hand on your back, urging you to get out on stage, the boost of confidence and assuredness in yourself you need. If you need to protect your home, your relationship, from those who would see it all fall and burn, have a piece of Carnelian balled up in your fist at the ready (kidding, maybe).
Carnelian is the fire without, so that you can ignite the fire within.