Labradorite Free Form - Solo Piece #11

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This crystal is a one-off piece and is sold exactly as shown.
7.5cm wide, 15cm high, 5.5cm deep, 1.12kg
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At some point every person who finds themselves collecting gemstones - whether they're initially into them or not - comes across a crystal that is 'the one'. A crystal they instantly connect with, can't take their eyes off of, and that really changes how they feel. Their perception of the world is suddenly very different when they're around this crystal, like a cluster of lights have flipped on inside themself. My husband had this moment, not long after I initially opened this store, and for him that crystal was Labradorite. In our early days, when pieces of Labradorite were being  increasingly left on his desk, it was like something woke up inside of him that had been dormant for a long time. A spark, an insight, an ability. A greater sense of serenity, and a clearer line of sight on how to fix his problems. The crystal had somehow opened up a side of him that had been buried deep down. And this, dear readers, is the power of Labradorite.

Mined initially in the late 1700's in the province of Labrador in north-eastern Canada, this amazing gemstone was initially thought by local Inuit tribes to contain the Northern Lights, such was the beauty of the light reflected within. This flash of colour often causes Labradorite to be mistaken for Opal. Indeed, in it's earliest phases of forming it shares a lot of similarities to Opal - with the same basic starting composition of oxygen and silica - but with the addition of more alkaline based metals over time, Labradorite ends up being something entirely different.
Found in larger deposits at the northern/southern ends of our planet (think the Larvik Fjord in Norway, then all the way down to the Hogarth Range in NSW), the most beautiful specimens - at least in our humble opinion - seem to come from those places closer to the equator, like Madagascar or Morocco, where the samples are darker and the bright blues and greens flash even brighter. While the most highly sought-after samples are still the ones from Labrador, of note is a particularly unique version found only in Finland, called Spectrolite. I was extremely lucky to be gifted a piece of this recently from a dear friend returning from Finland, and I cannot explain in words how beautiful this crystal is, it's my most prized piece now.
However despite its visual brilliance once it's polished most Labradorite pieces would be passed by, appearing as nothing more than a simple rock, a lighter shade of shale. It's not until the slightest work is done on it that we begin to see the depths beneath, a thin line on the edge of the crystal that now reveals an almost galaxy of wonders inside. This apparent ocean underneath the surface is the key to understanding Labradorite's strength.

In fact, to best way to explain Labradorite's effect on our energy is to look at a similar oceanic formation, the iceberg. We learn in school that what we see of icebergs is really just the tip, maybe only 10% of its entire size. That the other 90%, the actual main part of the iceberg itself is submerged deep under the water. We are like that iceberg, and Labradorite is what is used to reveal that other 90% of our being. Our ID, our ego, whatever you prefer to call it. Our deepest subconscious, the real us. The side of ourselves that contains all our true potential and innermost ideas, but that we don't really give any air-time to. Take the time to do even a little work on yourself, and Labradorite will show you the real depths you hide.
Labradorite has always been seen throughout history as a highly mystical crystal that literally explodes the third-eye open, particularly in people who are closed off, intentionally or not. It's a crystal that we truly feel operates on a higher tier shelf to almost every other (with the exception of Celestite, also equally deep, but more spiritual), affecting not only the body or mind, but the soul.
It is a crystal that is great for the creatives out there, gravitating to people who are already quite switched on or intelligent, but perhaps get stuck in their own head sometimes or overthink things. Whether studying or working on projects that require deft thinking, Labradorite will help clear the mind and see obstacles from a distance, almost detached, where problems begin to finally seem like simple solvable things. Held on the third-eye and with focus, Labradorite will help you absorb information, like a sponge. If you're suffering writers-block or just can't seem to find the words, Labradorite will help you find the inspiration, or keep persevering towards the ideas you know are stuck somewhere inside.
Labradorite can also be quite protective, especially for those more sensitive or already open to the energy around them. For people who come into contact with others, who might do massage therapy, or reiki healers, or even hairdressers, Labradorite can keep your aura clean. And in preventing outside energy making its way in, it can also handle the opposite, with Labradorite preventing your own energy from leaking out, sealing your aura and helping to keep your energy distinct and your own.
In fact, we can't overstate this part enough - Labradorite is VERY protective for people with strong energy or who use their energy with/for others often. When meditating for example, or placing yourself in a deep trance, Labradorite will protect the user from outside spiritual attacks or inferences.
When it comes to the body Labradorite behaves a little like Fluorite in that it makes you highly aware of yourself, more alert to being run down or when you need to clear toxins out. For women in particular it highlights when you have hormonal imbalances, or heart conditions, or when you need to lower your blood pressure. I already wore a piece to work every day before receiving my stunning Spectrolite, and I have always found my digestion and metabolism functions more fluidly when I wear it - it actually makes me feel empowered, like Wonder Woman!

So if you're looking to open your mind, find your path in life, or just add a general boost to your already amped intuition, Labradorite is a must-have crystal. We don't like to play favourites here at The Ornate Oracle, but if we did (and we're not saying we dooooo), Labradorite is one our entire family keeps in every room. It's brought great success for us and our clients, has always been a major one for overcoming any challenge we faced, and if you have creative projects or businesses you want to get out there but don't know who to trust or collaborate with Labradorite can really help guide the way. It's a crystal that is by no over-exaggeration a life-changer, that can really help you tap in to your personal strength, and one we highly recommend if you're secretly curious about crystals but may have felt a little embarrassed about admitting it. Labradorite changed everything for us, and we know it will do the same for you.